Our Website Terms of Use and Service

Terms of Service Graphic

Occumedonline.com ("site"), may utilize cookies and other stored data files for some of the site features. These features may include but aren't limited to; our contact form, site imagery, document downloads, and layout scripts.

We assure that these devices are in no way harmful and we do not collect any personal information through them. The only personal information that may be transmitted through our site is by our contact form, as found on the contact page, and any information provided is voluntary.

HIPAA Compliance

We comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Upon receiving health care at our facility you will be required to sign a HIPPA consent form. If you would like to view this document, please click here. You will need the free Adobe Acrobat reader to view this document. You may also retrieve a copy of this document from our clinic.

OMC is owned and staffed by health care providers that are trained and certified in occupational health. The goal of our practice is to provide the highest quality service to our clients while resolving their occupational health needs through preventive and clinical medical services.

Our practice has national and international relationships with providers of occupational medicine/worker's health services. Occupational Medicine Consultants provides assistance and implementation for clients needing to establish sources for occupational medicine/health needs in the US and around the world.